
Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello, Goodbye!

Hello, Goodbye!

2013, What a year it was! Who knew that I would hit so many milestones and events in my life over a period of 365 days? I have been up, down and everywhere in between. I really wanted this year to end but now that I look back it sure has taught me A LOT!

I started the year off finally enjoying and loving the Navy. Yes even the Mount Whitney (as hard as that is to believe!) I really contemplated making it a career. I had met people that to this day I still consider family. Sadly due to some stupid actions by myself and others I had it all a taken away from me. The middle of February I was flying back to the states not really sure what was going to happen next. They say the the military becomes you. Well IT DOES! The thing I tried so hard to fight I actually loved. What was I going to do? I spent the next month in Virginia preparing for the “next step”. Wherever it would take me.

At the beginning of March I would venture back home and ponder what I wanted to do. Most people who read this will not understand what it was like to be on the Mount Whitney. But, it was just so nice to wake up in the morning and not having to worry about anything. I just wanted to be a civilian for a few weeks before doing anything. The powers that be however thought that I should get a job. Looking back at it now that probably would have been smart. I wasn't having anything to do with that though! I wanted time off!

Now the next few months I had to take care of some personal and private issues. Now there is nothing like taking you completely out of your comfort zone to make you realize whats important in life. On this incredible journey I met some great people that helped me realize what I was doing was the right thing no matter what others thought.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how much I love Texas. Simply I had to get back to it! In August I set by boots down in Nacogdoches. Whoa, back to the scene of the crime according to some. Yet from the first moment back I new I was where I needed to be. East Texas a beautiful and relaxing place. Now all I needed to do was get back in the groove of this school thing again!The semester was a little rough but I made it through! Even past the days that I was positive I was doing what I didn’t want to!

This past year has been full of a lot of “shit” for me. Yet right now I cant get my head off of cloud nine right now! Some of my problems may be so small compared to others but I was taught some of the same lessons. I can confidently say that you have heard the saying “When life gives you lemons, make Lemonade!” For crying out loud DO IT! You may be at rock bottom, where is seems like nothing is going to get better, just look at the positive! You’re still breathing right? You may not be something to everyone but to someone you’re everything!

I saw something on Facebook the other day that I really liked. I feel like its the perfect way to to end this New Years post!

“May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014!”

Happy New Year Everyone!


1 comment:

  1. "May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014" I am so usin' this. Yep this is gonna be the title of my next post. I'll make sure to link ya and give ya some credit even though you didn't come up with the quote. You already know that I love this post and want you to blog more and more and more. All the blog awards and comments to us.
